Good Morning with Packs and Hall Johnson at Deep Ellum Art Co.

 In Past Events

Wed May 4 2022 – 7:00 PM

location: Deep Ellum Art Company

Good Morning are rulebreakers. Not in a sexy, flamboyant way — more in a casual, resigned kind of way. Accidental and incidental rulebreakers. They tune their guitars weirdly and make albums shorter than some peoples’ EPs; their career has progressed in fits and starts, some years bringing an abundance of music and others bringing nothing at all. They are friends first, band second, business third, often in spite of function, and often at their own expense; they choose the wrong singles, and insist on doing everything, from posters to merch to album covers to music videos, by themselves, often painstakingly. These things don’t break the moral and social rules rock stars are so fond of toeing — of course, Good Morning are decidedly not rock stars — but they are the kinds of things you’re not “supposed” to do if you want any kind of success or stability in music; still, every time the machinations of the industry have zigged, Good Morning have zagged.

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